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About Us

SunDial Associates .

Our diverse culture is constantly speaking and teaching us, we learn from our varied nation weunderstand that a solution which is appropriate can never be same to any problem that we solved before or we will unravel in the future.With every innovative situation and a new client we cross paths with different circumstances these guide us to analyse, think, rethink and LISTEN, which become the guidelines and driving thrust for crafting a unique solution to the uniqueness of the problem.The above process has been constantly changing us, making us a new, bringing Vinootna to our practice.

Directors message

Ar Joshi Raju K


A s a visio n a r y a r c hit e c t , I h a v e e m e r g e d a s a d rivin g f o r c e in t h e w o rld o f a r c hit e c t u r e a n d in t e rio r d e sig n. M y j o u r n e y , s p a n nin g o v e r a d e c a d e , s h o w c a s e s a n u n w a v e rin g c o m mit m e n t t o c r a ft s m a n s hip a n d in n o v a tio n. Wit h a B a c h elo r's d e g r e e in A r c hit e c t u r e ( 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 2 ) a n d a M a s t e r's in Architectural Interiors nearing completion (2021-2023), I have honed my skills and knowledge to perfection. In 2016, I took a leap of faith and co-founded SunDial Associates, a name that has since become synonymous with architectural brilliance. Alongside my partner, Ar Bheemesh P , w e h a v e b uilt a d y n a mic t e a m t h a t e x c els in a r c hit e c t u r al, s u s t ain a ble , a n d in t e rio r p r o j e c t s. O u r m e tic ulo u s a t t e n tio n t o d e t ail, c o m bin e d wit h a flair f o r c r e a tivit y , h a s p r o p elle d u s t o t h e f o r e f r o n t o f t h e in d u s t r y. O u r c o m mit m e n t t o p r o f e s sio n alis m is e vid e n t in o u r c o m p a n y's f o r m a tio n , r e gis t r a tio n , a n d p o s s e s sio n o f n e c e s s a r y a u t h o riz a tio n s.

I am Rama Bheemalingeswara Rao Pentakota (Bheemesh), with a Bachelor of Architecture from CFA & A, JNTU, Hyderabad (1982-1987) and a Master of Planning in Environmental Design from AUCE. My professional expertise lies in sustainable habitat practices, encompassing housing solutions such as shelter forms, townhouses, and cluster courts. I specialize in efficient design and urban planning, focusing on intersections and spaces beneath bridges. Additionally, I am involved in rural infrastructure development, including resource centers, and I strive to enhance rural livelihoods within the construction sector. Alongside my partner, Ar Joshi Raju K, we have built a dynamic team that excels in architectural, sustainable, and interior projects. Our meticulous attention to detail, combined with a flair for creativity, has propelled us to the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to professionalism is evident in our company's formation, registration, and possession of necessary authorizations.

Ar Bheemesh P


Our Team